Addressing human-elephant conflict through beehive fencing and agricultural opportunities
After clearing up of the land during the month of March, we are pleased to report that the cooperative received the chilli plants, ready for planting their 2 hectares of land. They were unable to access a tractor to further clear and plough the land, but they were undeterred and carried on doing all the requisite preparation and planting, by hand. We commend the group on their hard work and dedication. This initiative is the pilot project being carried out with funding from ERP to assess the efficacy of Beehive Fencing to prevent human/elephant conflict.

The cooperative’s project is a classic example of how ERP works within communities where human -elephant conflict exists, as it seeks to promote a symbiotic co-existence between elephants and humans in communities living adjacent to nature reserves.To date, the initiative has evidenced the success of this solution and we are looking forward to expanding the model throughout the northern parts of KwaZulu/Natal