The PEACE Foundation is now part of groupelephant.com, a group of companies which is characterised by a strategic imperative in terms of which for the first time in its 30-plus year history, now goes ‘Beyond Corporate Purpose’ in its day-to-day activities. Rather than simply engaging in the practice of donating a percentage of revenue or profits to charities, the ‘Beyond Corporate Purpose’ initiative is built upon the Group’s innovative multi-zone business model, in terms of which a professionalized, institutional delivery capability will be built in selected areas of community upliftment and wildlife conservation activity, alongside of an ecotourism-related impact investment zone.
The PEACE Foundation is now part of groupelephant.com, in ‘Zone 2’, which houses the Group’s not-for-profit organisations. Our overall strategy is to combat the widespread slaughter of elephants and rhinos in Southern Africa by alleviating the pressures associated with poverty in rural communities in areas adjacent to the threatened species, and which pressures have been and are conducive to the proliferation of the slaughter of elephants and rhinos.
Please visit groupelephant.com to find out more about the ‘Beyond Corporate Purpose: Elephants, Rhinos & People’ program.