January 2023 project updates
As we begin another year, we not only anticipate to amplify our impact throughout our programmes, but also wish you all a fruitful year ahead. We provide you with various updates from our projects during the month of January 2023.
The group, which managed to successfully register as a Cooperative, harvested just over 70kg of honey, which is being strained to remove the wax on top (as seen in the image). However, the amount of honey harvested will give them a substantial financial boost, thanks to the competitive rates being offered by ERP’s Portia Morudi.

With the recent reopening of schools, Eric, our appointed Madikwe bicycle mechanic has begun his weekly task of monitoring and repairing the bicycles. Though some students staying further away from the schools had been discouraged from using the bicycles because of the rains, we are pleased to report that most of the bicycles are being utilized and in good working order.

As has become the norm during this time of the year, we once again have had our operations disrupted by heavy rains which have been received across the country, in recent weeks, with Gazini not being an exception. This has affected progress in some of the Cooperative’s operations, particularly the weeding exercise. However, we are pleased to report that the Cooperative managed to apply a top dressing of fertilizer to add soil nutrients for the chilli crop to thrive. Their apiculture has also been slightly affected by the heavy rains, which has seen bees absconding from 3 of their hives. However, the other 34 hives are fully populated- a good sign of a promising good honey harvest.

The Cooperative started the year on a positive note, having managed to sell all their waste collected during the festive season. This has provided them with a much-needed financial boast to see their enterprise through into the coming month. Their food for waste programme has been slightly affected by the long period of no rain, followed by the excessive rains recently experienced in the Senwabarwana area. We are, however, busy ensuring that corrective measures are taken in order to address this challenge. They will be applying a top dressing of fertilizer on some of their crops to provide added nutrition to the plants that they have planted.

We are pleased to report that this programme continues to do well, with the dogs now patrolling around the reserve. In recent weeks, the dogs have been placed at various stations, including the gates and have now started tracking within the field, having undergone the basic training of such tasks. We applaud Johannes and his team who have continued to ensure that this programme is a success, as they work with all four dogs daily.

The IT Centre at Vaalwater has been running various programmes aimed at providing opportunities to the youth in that community. Recently, 17 youth between the ages of 18-21 participated in a mock interview session, conducted after they completed their basic computer training. This exposed them to the necessary skills and etiquette expected of them during job related interviews. The centre also ran a youth accelerator programme which moulds the local youth prior to being exposed to job opportunities upon leaving school. In addition, the centre, through the radio station, created 7 jobs for unemployed youth, who have now been given an opportunity to grow careers in broadcasting over a 6 month period.
Currently, Waterberg Wave Fm is planning for their upcoming outreach events which include Kids in the Park and International Wetlands day to be commemorated in February. However, they have continued with their daily radio coverage of various topics pertinent to the development of their community. For January, these included careers in conservation, biomes of Southern Africa, water conservation and of course the daily ERP radio programme presented by Letticia.

The Ndumo Schools Orphan Project (NSOP) was established circa 2002, by a group of concerned school principals and teachers who were troubled by the significant level of absenteeism amongst their pupils. Upon investigation, they discovered that an alarming number of these children were orphans and otherwise vulnerable children who were being left to fend for themselves due to a devastating rise in deaths in the community as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Many didn’t have clothing to attend school. The NSOP initially focused on providing the orphans and vulnerable children with food parcels supplied at the time by the Catholic Church. This funding came to an end and subsequently, in 2015, funds were raised to provide ePap for these children. We have undertaken to continue to support the work that is done by the NSOP and with generous funding from ERP, USA, until recently, we have been able to continue to distribute ePap to the more than 400 orphans who are not eligible for government grants, as well as 20 caregivers who attend to them.
You can support an orphaned or vulnerable child with a supply of ePap for an entire month. Join our cause by clicking on the link below: