Campaign Background
The Keep Senwabarwana Clean, Green and Healthy campaign was conducted during the week of 21-25 May 2018. This is a campaign that is intended to bring about environmental awareness to the communities with the Blouberg Municipality.This is also part of our on-going efforts of preserving the environment in Senwabarwana through linking cultural and heritage issues to environmental conservation. We have already planted 344 trees during arbor week in 2017, and our week long clean-up campaign again brought the community together, working directly with volunteers who are concerned about keeping their community clean.

The Campaign
The campaign started as planned on the morning of Monday 21st May. The volunteers were joined on the first day by EPWP personnel, and where welcomed by the Municipality’s leadership who also gave them motivation, moral support and supplies that included protective clothing and waste refuse bags. At the end of the 5 days, we had collected truckloads of waste, an indication that we left Senwabarwana cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing than it was before.
Vote of thanks
We extend our sincere thanks to Dr. Tlou Setumu for his sterling work in coordinating and organizing this campaign. We also would like to thank the Blouberg Local Municipality for their continued support, not only during the clean up campaign, but in the many other initiatives we are implementing within Senwabarwana. Last but not least, we extend our gratitude to all volunteers who made time to come through and join in this campaign.