Makhane Higher Primary School
The project was initiated with Funding from Microsoft . Following on the receipt of funding, for the amount of R86,619.23 with which to implement a suitable project, the site selected was the Makhane’s School, in far northern KwaZulu-Natal, close to the Mozambique border.
This school was selected, from the many needy recipients in the area, largely because there was access to electricity, which is, regrettably, not the case for many other schools in the area. The needs of the approximately two thousand children who attend this school were typical of rural schools – no library, insufficient desks and classrooms, no computers, (no fax, photocopier or telephones) and very little teacher support material. After consultation with the beneficiaries it was decided that the erection of a six metre container , that would be located on the boundary of the school premises, so that it could afford easy access to the local community, would be the most beneficial initiative to implement. The six meter container was equiped with five computers and the TeleCentre equipment along with the Vuvuzela software package for management and access to service provision.