Updates from our projects during the month of May 2022
This month we celebrate both Africa month, based on Africa Day which was celebrated on the 25th, and World Bee Day which was celebrated on the 20th of May.
We recently organised and executed a cooperative training workshop for the Madikwe apiculture group. The workshop’s objectives were to provide the group with the necessary skills and information to enable them to register as a cooperative and manage their own business enterprises in a manner that ensures profitability, sustainability as well as their participation in the mainstream economy. The workshop was a success, and in the end, the group understood the importance of having a Cooperative as a vehicle for their business operations. The concept of a covenant, over and above a straightforward contract was added to the constitution that was registered. The purpose is to emphasize commitment by all members of the cooperative, to the well- being of all their fellow members and not just themselves as individuals.

The Cooperative is currently harvesting their chillies, and ‘though the drying is disturbed by the rainfall and cold winter snap that has hit the province, we anticipate that they will once again receive a lucrative income from their sales. These sales will take place over the next five months, with a total of over 110 bags to be sold over the next two months. Harvesting will continue until the end of September.
With regard to their apiculture initiative, we are pleased to report that the bees have started producing honey, with more than half of the hives having shown to be productive. We envisage an increase in this production around August, as we approach Spring which is associated with the blooming of flowers and forage, ideal for improved output.

We continue to receive positive feedback regarding this project and the monitoring and evaluation continues in both Provinces. We continue to express our gratitude to our various donors, including EPI-USE associates and above all the mechanics and beneficiaries of this project for ensuring its continued success.

The Cooperative sold off a variety of waste materials collected during the month of April and part of May. The collected waste materials were taken to the market during the second week of May. This provided them with a financial boost allowing them to cover their various overheads. They also managed to clear land in preparation for the planting of their winter crop. We are pleased to report that their organic waste programme is progressing well, and they continue with their bi-weekly programme of checking and working on the various compost heaps that they have set up.

The United Nations proclaimed May 22nd as a day to celebrate international biodiversity day. To celebrate the rich biodiversity in the area, Waterberg Wave FM spent the day with learners from Monale, Reabilwe, Kgobuki and Mmammopi Primary schools who showcased their talents in what Biodiversity means to them. In addition, ERP’s Letticia Mahlatji also spent time with Grade R students from the local Blessings Day Care, where she spoke to them about the importance of biodiversity. The biodiversity theme helped shape most of the radio station’s programming for the month, and Letticia also managed to look at the importance of various plants and species in biodiversity protection. These included the role played by marula trees, ostriches and the vital role played by butterflies in plant pollination. Any talk around biodiversity should also touch on invasive plants, and the radio station included this aspect.
For World Bee Day, Letticia’s programme focused on the African honeybee and its role in particularly addressing human-elephant conflict. All these various programmes, as always, were over and above the daily ERP programme aired on the radio station by Letitia.

We recently launched MathU the MathU Infinity Program at Olefile Secondary School located at Pitsedisulejang Village in Madikwe, North West Province. This was enabled through funding from Maxtec Peripherals, and was in partnership with Math U and the Barokologadi Community Property Association (BCPA) who have partnered with ERP to manage restituted land adjacent to Madikwe Game Reserve. This year, we distributed 25 android phones loaded with the MathU programme to 23 Grade 11 and 12 learners, each receiving the phones and customized textbooks. In addition, 2 Maths and Science teachers each received these android phones to allow for familiarization with the programme, as they are responsible for monitoring the student recipients’ outcomes while becoming accustomed to using the programme.

A total of 34 participants had the opportunity to access and be empowered with basic computer training during the month of May. The Centre ventured into new territory by introducing basic computer training to the local Churches. This was achieved by requesting every church to send through one delegate to be trained. The turn out and programme reception were exceptional, and it is anticipated that more delegates will have an opportunity to be part of this programme in the coming weeks. The IT Lab’s facilitation of school based research programmes continues, with a total of 59 participants having accessed the Lab for research purposes over the past month. The majority of these participants all faced similar challenges including a lack of access to internet or data, limitation in the operational hours of the local library which is poorly equipped with IT infrastructure and poor literacy levels since the majority are still school going age, who unfortunately are finding it difficult to conduct research outside of the school environment. The programme therefore offers all beneficiaries with an opportunity to catch up on various research areas according to their own pace.

We are grateful to EPI-USE America for providing an amount $2,000 towards the provision of e’Pap for the 450 Ndumo orphans. This funding will enable us to provide these orphans and vulnerable children with a month’s supply of e’Pap although it will not cover the payment of the caregivers who would, under normal circumstances, assist in the distribution of the ePap, as well as monitor the well-being of the recipient children. This load will be distributed through teachers and children who attend school, for their younger siblings. We continue to fundraise for more e’Pap, and no amount is too small towards this initiative. Please consider donation to this cause by following the link below: