Posts Categorized: Projects
Nondabuya Pre-School
Khunela Horn Craft -Bakenberg
In keeping with the P.E.A.C.E. Foundation’s mission to alleviate poverty, in previously disadvantaged communities, the Horn Craft Project was initiated as a project, whereby, sustainable employment opportunities were created, for people who were previously unemployed. The idea was to establish a craft industry, utilizing a readily available, local, waste product, namely, bone and horn. The horn was sourced from local farmers, informal…
Ikageng P.E.A.C.E. Centre -Senwabarwana
The project was funded by the WITS Origins Centre and implemented by the PEACE Foundation, the aim of this project was to establishing a Communication and Learning Centre at Potokela Primary School in the Springfield village. The Centre has many advantages for the village and the neighbouring school communities. The centre has eight computers linked to a satellite dish, and a server…
Thinana Waste Management and Recycling project (Senwabarwana)
Thinana Recycling and Waste Management Primary Cooperative (2010/006181/24) was formed in 2009 and registered in 2010 as a primary cooperative through the Limpopo Business Support Agency (LIBSA). It is an all women led cooperative based in Senwabarwana, focusing on income generation and sustaining livelihoods through waste collection, sorting and selling. Prior to being involved with the P.E.A.C.E Foundation, Thinana Cooperative operated from…
Kwazi Camp
The Nkwazi Camp is situated approximately 110 kms from Durban, on the North Coast of KwaZulu Natal. It offers tranquil, unique accommodation along with the Prawn Shack experience and a variety of activities and services. The Camp has an extensive lagoon and estuary system, which boasts a wide variety of birds, great fishing off the beach and an official launch site for…
Wangu PEACE Centre
The Wangu P.E.A.C.E. Centre, located near Mandini, KwaZulu Natal, was officially opened and launched in September 2005. The Centre is a model for the integrated, holistic and sustainable economic development defined by the P.E.A.C.E. model. Funded by the National Lottery, the [codepeople-post-map]Wangu P.E.A.C.E. Centre draws together stakeholders throughout the community, including the Tribal Authority, local Development Forum, local and district government, private…
Thelamama and Zandlazethu Schools
The ICT centres we established with Funding from a private donor (Okeefee and Swarts) . The computer centres were equipped with five PC’s and a printer at each centre. The centres are located inside a school yard , this makes access to information easier for both learners and teachers.[codepeople-post-map]
Makhane Higher Primary School

The project was initiated with Funding from Microsoft . Following on the receipt of funding, for the amount of R86,619.23 with which to implement a suitable project, the site selected was the Makhane’s School, in far northern KwaZulu-Natal, close to the Mozambique border.
Ndumo Community Centre
This project was initiated in 1994, with funding from the Israel Africa Foundation, the P.E.A.C.E. Foundation has developed a prototype for a sustainable, multi-purpose P.E.A.C.E. Centre at Ndumo, on the border of KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique.
Ezibomvini Agricultural Project

The Ezibomvini Agricultural Primary Cooperative, was funded by the National Development Agency, through the P.E.A.C.E. Foundation. The Ezibomvini Cooperative has full control of the management and production of their five hectare drip irrigation unit, with technical support provided through the Embassy of Israel.